**Please register. The fee for walk-ins is $25.**
A discussion with Dana Ferry - Assistant Director of Utilities and Energy Management for California University of Pennsylvania
Dana will be discussing strategies that he implemented at California University
and other buildings he has overseen. Dana Ferry has been employed in the
facilities field in the Pitts-burgh area for over 36 years. He started as a
computer operator on a very early model Honeywell energy management system
controlling the HVAC systems of the United States Steel Building in 1973. After
6 years he was employed by A-Air Company as a control and energy management
technician primarily working in the Pittsburgh National Bank Building. From
A-Air Company he was employed in various roles overseeing HVAC and property
management for the Oxford Development Group at One Oxford Center and the Frick
From the Frick Building he became Foreman of the Equitable Gas Energy
Plant on the North Shore of Pittsburgh, this plant provides steam and chilled
water to Allegheny General Hospital, Divine Providence Hospital, Allegheny
Center Mall and, at the time, Three Rivers Stadium along with a number of
smaller facilities. In 1990 he became the Westmoreland County Community College
Director of Buildings and Grounds. The last 17 years he has been the Assistant
Di-rector for Utilities and Energy Management at California University of
Pennsylvania. At every facility that he has been employed at the energy
consumption has been lowered during his employment. These efforts peaked at Cal
U where the university has been number 1 in energy performance among the
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education the past 15 years as measured by
Btu’s per square foot. During the last calculated fiscal year the energy
consumption at Cal U was 63,394 Btu’s per square foot using only 45% of the
energy per square foot as compared to the average of the other PASSHE
Dana has recently branched out by starting a consulting firm,
Essential Energy Solutions, LLC, specializing in education facilities and
currently has two school districts under contract.
Engineers Society of Western PA
337 4th Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2101