Creating a Non-proprietary Building Automation System (BAS)
Presented by:
Ryan Birtwell
O.Z. Enterpries, LLC
Experience: Ryan is CEO and part-owner of O.Z. Enterprises, LLC. He started his career and spent 14 years working for an activist based investment firm in San Francisco, CA. Ryan helped customers in private and publicly traded companies with their strategic investments. In 2018, Ryan returned with his family to Pittsburgh where he bought into O. Z. Enterprises.
Education: Bachelors Degree from Middlebury College in 2004
Agenda: Building Automation Systems, or simply BAS are utilized in many forms for schools, office buildings, commercial buildings, warehouses, and light manufacturing. These systems monitor and control the equipment that maintain environments—temperature, humidity, air changes, pressurization, and sometimes fire alarm and security systems. Data collected by the building control systems can be utilized to reduce unnecessary energy costs and proactively monitor the HVAC equipment for faults and degradation. Buildng Automation Systems manufacturers are plentiful and offer different platforms. Some are proprietary, meaning you have a single vendor that can provide parts, service, and support thus limiting flexibility and options. Others are non-proprietary, which gives the owner the flexibility and freedom of choosing what vendor provides the most value.
· Introduction and Background
· Definition and benefits of a non-proprietary control system
· Traditional BAS Architecture
· BAS Industry Background and Emergence of BACnet
· Components of a non-proprietary BAS—Tridium Platform
· Converting proprietary BAS to non-proprietary BAS
· Case Studies
Date and Time: May 15, 2023 @ 11:30am Registration
Register at:
Gaetano's Banquet Center & Catering
1617 Banksville Rd,
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
(412) 343-6640
Lunch will be provided
11:30am Registration
Members $30.00 - Non Members $40.00 - Students $20.00
AEE May 2023 OZ Event.pdf