Energy…..Natural Gas and Electricity
S. J. McMahon UPMC
Sam will be looking at the evolvement of gas and electricity procurement from the 1970’s through the present and how it has changed by the regulations and market conditions. He will also discuss the current trends and what may be occurring in the future. Areas of discussion will include:
Sam McMahon presently works for UPMC in their Energy and Environmental Department under Drew Chidester. Sam purchases natural gas at the wellhead and electricity at the generation point. He does this while keeping an eye on State and Federal regulatory and legislative initiatives. Recruited from retirement, Sam brought a significant energy knowledge base to UPMC. That knowledge base is the result of three key assignments: He concluded a twenty year career at PPG Industries as the Corporate Director of Energy --- And while there, served on the Board of ELCON (Electric Consumers Resource Council) and as President of the National Industrial Energy Group. Following PPG he became a principle of Industrial Energy Services Company which aggregated Appalachian gas production for resale to large industrials. Sam’s career was capped by his pre-retirement assignment as the Southeast Region Vice President of DukeSolutions, a Duke Energy subsidiary, specializing in energy conservation initiatives for large industrial consumers.
Sam now knows his post-retirement career will be in helping the healthcare community solve energy and energy related environmental issues.
Penn Brewery,
800 Vinial Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
11:30am Registration
11:45-12:15pm Lunch
12:15-1:15pm Presentation
Members $25.00 - Non Members $35.00