Pittsburgh Chapter

Western Pennsylvania Chapter

November 12 AEE Dinner Meeting

  • 12 Nov 2008
  • 5:00 PM
  • Amici's, Route 51 (formerly Tambelini's)

Registration is closed

**Please register. The fee for walk-ins is $30.**


What's the Point – Retro-Commissioning – With energy costs sky rocketing and the future of oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels in question, saving energy is a priority atop the minds of many building owners and facility managers. So how can we save energy without causing other problems and how do energy saving related projects stack up against other building projects competing for the same limited capital budgets? One answer may be Retro-Commissioning!

Retro-Commissioning (a type of Existing Building Commissioning) is a systematic process for investigating, analyzing, and optimizing the performance of building systems through operational and maintenance improvement measures and ensuring their continued performance
over time. The Retro-Commissioning process assists in making the building systems perform interactively to meet the Owner's Current Facility Requirements (OCFR) in sufficient detail to allow for the documentation and validation of those requirements.

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